Thursday, April 14, 2011

busy busy busy

Long time, no blog. Took my boards today and got a 93 on my state and a 94 on my general. Pretty happy about this. All I have left to do is show up everyday til the 26th and then I'll graduate. Had a job interview a week ago and never heard back until 2 days ago and they want me to come in and do a technical. It'll just be a haircut, but knowing me I'll be super nervous and mess it up. So that's the next big thing I'm worrying about. Also, I am moving out of the house. I am really excited about this, but also a little sad, only because I won't get to see my mommy everyday. Which isn't a huge deal, I'm sure I will go over there all the time and call her everyday anyway. I just need to pack all my shit which isn't a fun thing to think about. Too much shit to pack = stressed Mak.

Friday, April 1, 2011

oh hi, im cyn bolsta

Sorry its been so long, dirty brog. Gots me a boytoy now and I'm still occupied with school so don't have much spare time to write on here. Birthday went great, Jordan sent me reeses and kitkats and dew. Bad idea, pal. She also sent me a celebrity wordfind, and I was pleased to see that there was a Bea Arthur page. I certify on Monday and Tuesday, and I'm getting nervous. I just want to get out of here and I'm almost there. I cannot express into words how much I hate the Model College. But soon it will just be a distant memory, and life will be good once again. I have a job interview Wednesday, and I can't tell if I'm more nervous about certification or the interview. I know I probably won't get it because I'm still in school and duh, I have no experience. Supposed to go see some family tomorrow, hoping I will like everyone that shows up. But what are the chances of that? Ok, totally worthless update but that's all I got.
Oh toooooooooooodles.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Another day with nothing to do at the Model College. Took all the old quizzes on the computer to study, and aced everyone. Took my laws final about 2 weeks ago, found out I passed with a high C. Didn't even study for that one, I should have, but I am not going to retake it. Wrote my cover letter and about me page now I just need to type it. So literally all I have to do for the next month is just get my ass here. Swipe my time card in, swipe it out. Birthday is one week from today. No plans whatsoever. Mom is making me a thanksgiving feast to celebrate my birth on sunday, pretty excited about that. Also, did you know that if you park somewhere for two hours, then move a block down for forty-five minutes, you'll get a parking ticket? Truth. Ridiculous.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I like the color pink, just not in my eye

So, Pink Eye. That happened.

Got my Dexter Season 4 back from my sistah finally. Already on disc two, holla! Can't go to school tomorrow with a contagious face, they don't want me there and I can't say I feel differently. This week is gonna be a week from hell. Got a funeral/visitation to go to for my aunt. Something good needs to happen this week. Getting kind of sick of college-aged boys hitting on me. I'm not going to fall for your "charm" (although countless other girls have/are) so fuck off. Cheese and spaghettios for supper, gotta go make that so

Friday, March 4, 2011

if i riseeeeeee

20 days til my birthday, blog. Its been a busy day here at the Model College which is good for my hours, but not for me. I feel like crap, my wisdom teeth are coming in and I feel like a teething baby. Because of my overdose on smarties, I now have like 4 canker sores in my mouth, which I guess I brought on myself. So I was brushing my teeth last night like the uber-hygenic gal I am, and my toothbrush scraped a canker sore. All the sudden my mouth filled up with blood, seriously. My mouth was dripping blood. It was sick. And now we say, "cool story, bro." I wanna go to the movies because I haven't in a while but I don't think there are too many good movies out. I watched 127 Hours finally and holy shit blog, what a good movie. And this has nothing to do with my love for James Franco. They portrayed the story really well, and James did an amazing job! I heard the scene where we cuts his arm off was pretty gruesome, but I didn't find it bad. Maybe because my generation is used to gore thanks to the Saw franchise. And of course, I cried. I knew that would happen, I cried for the last half hour at least. Out of interesting stuff to say again.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

oh hey, look! its that one girl with 40 million smarties wrappers on her bedroom floor

The background on my phone right now is the Golden Girls. All I have left to do now at school is my 3rd grade sheet (which is very close to completion) and my MN laws final. I am going to have nothing to do til April, I need to stop being so productive. I bought 2 one-pound bags of smarties at Wally World. First bags almost gone. 4 weeks from today I will be the big 1-9. Pretty underwhelmed about that blog. It seems like a useless age, I'm an 'adult' but I can't drink. There is nothing notable about 19. But I know on the day of my birth I will get to spend it with the people I love and at the place I love, the Model College. Oh wait, I fucking hate that place. Hopefully I can do something cool to celebrate. I need to cut Sir Phil's hairs again, he must be a hairy man. And I will let him borrow my beloved Dexter seasons because he is a friend and also throws my name out in his blog. I can't wait for Sunday! Oscars = James Franco. Yum.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

mad about you

Hey brog
Did my taxes. I am getting 4 dollars back, not even enough for taco bell. Soon I will (hopefully) be raking in the dough so I can be out on my own with all of my apartment stuff that has been in storage for over a year. My industrial is healing up pretty well, I'm actually being responsible and taking care of it, yay! I had hamburger helper for lunch, it was DELICIOUSSSSS, I love when my mom makes me food. On my lovely day off on Sunday I played video games cause I'm a cool kid. While I was on my xbox some kid messaged me aaaaannnnnnnnndddddd he was 14. Ewww. Time to get back to work, sorry for the boring post.